
Drafting agreements Service

Mostasharat Zeyghami

Drafting agreements Services

Drafting agreements

Contract drafting is considered as the cornerstone of all actions and procedures. The effects of drafting emerging as soon as the parties sign the contracts, and continues along the term of the company and as long as the individuals continue to work and carry on business with each other.

The contract drafting effects even continue after the dissolution of the company or the individuals’ dispute. Therefore, in Mohammad Sadegh Zeighami Advocates and Legal Consultants, we have paid great attention to this field, starting from listening carefully to the client to understand his point of view and to know about his fears and the smallest details in order to draft contracts accurately and lawfully in order to prevent the occurrence of any problems, Our firm pays great attention to using the legal terms and phrases correctly and accurately either legitimately or grammatically in order to avoid manipulation or misuse of the contract by anyone contrary to what is intended.
Commercial law

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So strongly and metaphysically did I conceive of my situation then, that while earnestly watching his motions, I seemed.


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English, German, France, Persian


Unit 18,Floor 5,Ghasr Building 1,Moali Abad St

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